Exhibition Catalogues

Exhibition Catalogues
Saint Mary’s College Museum of Art is pleased to offer several catalogue options for sale. To order through our website, please visit our ordering form here. For more catalogue options, please contact us: museum@landaiztc.com | 925-631-4379
Isole: A Voyage Among My Dreams
Featuring the work of visual artist Cianne Fragione.
$25.00 (plus tax and shipping)
This softcover book highlights Cianne Fragione's newest exhibition, Isole: A Voyage Among My Dreams. It features color images of paintings, drawings, and assemblages, many of which were created in response to Eugenio Montale's collection of poems, Ossi di Seppia. Drawing on similar motifs that relate to memories, traditions, and histories, these pieces evoke the fluid nature of the human condition. Also included in this book are an introduction, artist notes, an essay, and a poem.
68 pages, includes gallery images.
Hold it Lightly
Including the work of artist and illustrator Lisa Congdon.
$35.00 (plus tax and shipping)
Featuring the bold, colorful illustrations of Lisa Congdon, Hold it Lightly explores themes of radical joy, liberation, and inclusion in conversation with pop artist Corita Kent. Named for the exhibit it spotlights, this softcover book is adorned with photographs of Congdon’s large, layered serigraphs and three-dimensional paper installations. Also included are an introduction by the artist and essays on art’s transformative possibilities.
70 pages, includes color plates of exhibition serigraphs & gallery images.
The Comprehensive Keith
The Hundred Year History of the Saint Mary's College Collection of Works by William Keith.
$35.00 (plus tax and shipping)
Beginning with his 1838 birth in Scotland to his arrival in California in 1859, the book chronicles Keith's artistic journey. His early paintings captured the drama and breathtaking beauty of the Western wilderness; by the 1890s, his landscapes had become subtle, intimate scenes that revealed his artistic and spiritual maturity.
Keith's combination of artistic genius, business acumen, strong personality and hard work enabled him to build a prestigious reputation on both coasts and a financially successful career. The book also chronicles Keith's friendship with the great naturalist and founder of the Sierra Club, John Muir, which lasted until Keith's death in 1911. At the end of their long careers, the two early preservationists put up a noble but ultimately unsuccessful fight to stop the damming of the spectacular Hetch Hetchy Valley.
The book is the latest, and most comprehensive of the Gallery’s interpretive Keith projects. 232 pages, 266 color illustrations.